Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders

A young boy being tested

The Combating Autism Act (CAA) was signed into law in December of 2006 and provided additional funding for LEND programs to expand their training efforts in the area of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) for LEND trainees and for other healthcare providers. ILEND trainees have numerous classroom, clinical and community opportunities to learn about screening and evaluation tools, and the importance of early identification and intervention. Trainees will have opportunities to:

  • Administer and score autism screening instruments (M-CHAT and SCQ)
  • Observe, administer and interpret the ADOS
  • Conduct behavioral interviews and evaluate children with ASD who engage in disruptive behaviors
  • Trainees also participate in research discussions in order to familiarize themselves with evidence-based interventions for children with Autism and ASD, and other related neurodevelopmental disabilities