Olmstead Consumer Taskforce

In early 2000, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack designated the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) as Iowa’s lead agency to respond to the landmark 1999 Olmstead Supreme Court decision. Governor Vilsack called upon DHS to:

  • Report on Iowa’s current service system
  • Create the "effectively working plan" that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recommended each state develop in order to increase opportunities for their citizens to have a life in the community.

DHS convened a statewide steering committee, later named the Olmstead Consumer Taskforce. The Center for Disabilities and Development has had the privilege of helping to staff the Taskforce since Iowa was awarded its first Real Choices Systems Change grant in 2002. Task Force members include people with disabilities, family members, advocates, representatives of key state agencies, and other stakeholders.

For information about the Taskforce, get in touch with Meredith Field at [email protected]. She will direct you to the approriate contact person.