A Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) is a procedure to put a soft plastic feeding tube into the stomach. This is called a PEG tube or a gastrostomy tube (G-tube). It comes out of a small surgical hole in the abdomen called a stoma
A PEG tube might be useful if a child cannot eat or drink well. The tube makes it possible to give your child liquid food, formula, and fluids as well as some types of medicines. Having a PEG tube does not mean your child can’t eat or drink by mouth. A feeding tube may be used for a short period of time or for many years. The PEG tube is replaced with a low-profile gastrostomy button (G-button) in three months after the stomach has healed.
Tube care
- Inspect the tube and stoma everyday, especially before and after feeding (see “Check the insertion site” below).
- Clean the skin around the tube everyday with mild soap and warm water. Use a cotton swab or soft cloth.
- It is okay if the tube moves or turns. You will not break the tube or pull it out.
Check the insertion site:
- For leaking around the tube.
- For redness, pus, or bleeding.
- To see that the tube is against the skin but not too tight and causing a sore. Do not try to adjust the tube yourself. Call with questions.

Frequent issues
Tissue around tube is pink-red and moist:
This is usually granulation tissue which is common and not dangerous. Call your health care provider if the tissue bleeds, grows in size, or if fluid or pus leaks.
Fluid leaks around the tube:
Leaks at the skin are not usually a problem. The white clamp should be touching the skin lightly. If you think it is too tight or too loose, call our office.
The tube is clogged:
Never force fluid through the tube. If it seems clogged, try a half ounce of lukewarm water through the tube. Remember; always flush with lukewarm water before and after feedings or medications to help prevent clogs.
The PEG tube came out:
PEG tubes are difficult to pull out. If it does come out, go to the ER. The sooner you get there, the more likely we will be able to replace a tube before the stoma closes. If it is less than 6 to 8 weeks since it was placed, call us right away.
Taking a bath or swimming:
You can take a bath three days after the PEG tube placement. Do not swim or let the insertion site (skin where the tube went in) go under water for two weeks, until the site is healed.
Call your health care provider if:
- The stoma (hole) is red and/or sore
- The stoma is swollen and/or bleeding
- Pus leaks from the stoma
- Fevers without a cause (like a cold)
- Pain with feedings or moving the tube
- Vomiting
- Any time you have questions or concerns