It means 2 opposing ideas can be true at the same time, and when thought about together, can create a new truth and a new way of viewing the situation. There is always more than 1 way to think about a situation.
Is an effective treatment for people who have a hard time controlling their emotions and behaviors.
Aims to replace problem behaviors with skillful behaviors.
Teaches people skills to help them experience a range of emotions without acting on those emotions.
Teaches skills to help teens navigate relationships in their environment, such as family, school, and peers.
Helps people create a life worth living.
Target Behaviors
What are target behaviors?
Behaviors to decrease.
Behaviors that cause harm to self and others.
Behaviors that interfere with daily functioning.
Examples are:
Suicidal ideation
Risky behaviors
Interpersonal conflict
Substance use
The contents of this website are for information purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not rely on the information provided for medical decision making and should direct all questions regarding medical matters to their physician or other health care provider. Use of this information does not create an express or implied physician-patient relationship.