Signs of urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections are common in women and much less so in men. If untreated, they can lead to kidney disease. Boys and men with urinary tract infection should be seen by a urologist. Girls and women with frequent urinary tract infections may need to be seen by a urologist
Behaviors that may be telling you about urinary tract infection:
- Problem behaviors that happen shortly before, during, or shortly after urination
- Wants to urinate more often, even when bladder isn't full
- Difficulty urinating; able to pass only a few drops of urine at a time
- Wetting accidents, urine leakage
- Poor hygiene, inability to clean area properly
- Increased confusion
- Falls more often
Other factors that may indicate the presence of urinary tract infection:
- Known abnormality of the urinary tract
- Use of a urinary catheter
- Personal history of urinary tract infections
- Diabetes
- In babies or very young children:
- Abnormal temperature (high or low)
- Poor eating
- Poor growth
- Irritability
- Urine smells strange or bad, is cloudy or dark, has blood in it
- Burning sensation during and after urination
- Pain in lower abdomen, hip area (pelvis), side of ribs, lower back
- Constipation
- Crying that can't be comforted
- Fever--may be high or low
- Fatigue
- Sweating
- Vomiting
- Chills, shaking
- Poor coordination or muscle control
- Is sexually active
- Looks sick for a day or two, but has no obvious illness
- Wears special underwear for people who have wetting accidents
Do you think someone's behavior may be telling you about a urinary tract infection? Talk with your doctor or other health care provider. They can work with you to learn whether this is the case.