University of Iowa Children's Hospital to be renamed University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital
Naming honors the Steads’ $25 million commitment to further children’s medicine at the University of Iowa

In honor of Jerre and Mary Joy Stead, and their extraordinary commitment to children’s medicine at the University of Iowa, the University of Iowa requested that the Board of Regents, State of Iowa approve the university’s request to rename UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital the “University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital.” The Board of Regents unanimously approved the naming in its meeting today. The new name will take effect in November 2016 with the dedication of the new UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital building.
The Steads, natives of Maquoketa, Iowa, and residents of Scottsdale, Arizona, have committed $25 million to children’s medicine at the UI. The Steads’ support will help complete the new UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital facility and spur new advancements in children’s medicine at Iowa by supporting faculty, staff and researchers who are making new discoveries, improving education and patient treatments and increasing understanding and awareness of pediatric diseases.
“Jerre and Mary Joy’s support throughout the years has benefited every aspect of the care our UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital staff has provided, has bolstered our research and teaching and is helping us to build our new state-of-the art facility,” says Jean Robillard, M.D., UI vice president for medical affairs. “I can think of no more fitting way to recognize Jerre and Mary Joy’s transformative giving—which allows us to continue providing the exceptional high-quality care Iowans have come to expect—than with the naming of our children’s hospital.”
The Steads’ giving is an extension of the couple’s long-held belief in the power of UI Health Care, says Mary Joy Stead. “Having spent so much of our lives involved with the university, we’ve always understood the quality of UI Health Care, and we were fortunate to see that firsthand when our sons were born at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics,” says Mary Joy Stead, who attended the UI and has served on the University of Iowa Foundation’s board of directors since 1999. “Jerre and I hope everyone in Iowa will join us in supporting our children’s hospital, particularly now, as we build a new facility that will serve many future generations of Iowans.”
Jerre and Mary Joy Stead began giving to the University of Iowa more than 30 years ago, and their cumulative support totals $53.9 million. In 2013, the UI named the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics in honor of the couple’s generous gifts to children’s medicine. The Steads have supported other areas of the university as well. In 2003, the Steads committed $25 million to the UI Henry B. Tippie College of Business—of which Jerre is a 1965 graduate—to support a variety of initiatives, including the Stead Technology Services Group, a full-service computer lab and technology consulting group.
“Mary Joy and I and our family—our sons, Jay and Joel, and our grandchildren—believe that philanthropy is the opportunity to help great people do great things,” says Jerre Stead. “And we believe the people of UI Health Care set Iowa apart in children’s medicine. With the new UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital building, the doctors, nurses, staff and researchers at UI Health Care will be able to continue to deliver the highest level of teaching, care and research. Our family is honored to be a part of this hospital and this university.”
The Steads serve as campaign co-chairs for UI Health Care in For Iowa. Forever More: The Campaign for the University of Iowa—the UI’s $1.7 billion comprehensive fundraising campaign. Among the priorities of the campaign, which runs through 2016, is ensuring a healthier and more sustainable world through discoveries in medicine and allied health fields.
Jerre Stead has had a long career leading high-tech and information companies. He currently serves as chairman and CEO of IHS Inc., the leading provider of critical information, insight, and analytics worldwide.
As part of her service on the UI Foundation board, Mary Joy Stead also is active on its development committee. Jerre Stead has served on the boards of many corporations and nonprofit organizations, including on the UI Henry B. Tippie College of Business Board of Visitors, and he has lectured in the UI Executive MBA Program for many years. He currently chairs the Alzheimer’s Research Institute in Scottsdale, Ariz., and the Garrett-Evangelical Seminary at Northwestern University. In 2013, he was appointed by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper to oversee the state’s flood recovery efforts.