UI Health Care Stead Family Children's Hospital Discretionary Funding Process
The DFP, or Discretionary Funding Process, (formerly known as “CMN Grants”) is the process in which UI Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital and UI Health Care Stead Family Department of Pediatrics staff, as well as other UI Health Care staff working with pediatric populations, can apply for philanthropic funding to enhance the important work they are doing each day through research, clinical care, and direct patient and family support, including diversionary items, special supplies and equipment, patient/family education, outreach initiatives, and other programs benefitting children and their families served at UI Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital.
Any project that requires collaboration with other areas of UI Health Care (i.e., the Sim Center, Safety and Compliance, the OR, Radiology, Capital Management, etc.) may require confirmation in the form of letters of support from those areas before leadership approves.
Applications are open Tuesday, January 21 through Friday, February 21 at 11:59 p.m.
Final decisions on applications will be communicated in mid-June.
Submit your application
*Please note: the Discretionary Funding Process is for UI Health Care Stead Family Children’s Hospital and UI Health Care Stead Family Department of Pediatrics staff, as well as other UI Health Care staff working with pediatric populations only. No external applications will be considered.