May 6, 2024 - August 5, 2024
Combining everyday and readily available materials, Anita Jung creates her artwork utilizing local craft and hardware stores for inspiration. Within her work, there are shapes fashioned by CNC (Computer Numerical Control) tools and computers that embody the cold precision of technology and dependency on the grid. In Jung's hands, these become faltering, vulnerable forms. She recognizes these materials as imperfectly beautiful, encompassing an awkward abstraction. Jung invites contemplative appreciation for beauty within the discarded. Within the process of repurposing these objects, collectively Jung and the work find mutual acceptance in an imperfect, unresolved, and cumbersome existence.
Her discrete series for self-examination explores found surfaces as hybrid printing plates, creating repetitive patterns and designs that evidence layers of introspection. These images become maps to seek hidden patterns that define daily existence, while navigating dialogues within the spaces between construct and concept of being.
Anita Jung is a professor at the University of Iowa. She received a BFA from Arizona State University, where she majored in painting and drawing. Jung earned her MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the graphic arts. She was awarded a Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship in 2022 as an Academic and Professional Excellence Scholar for research and filming a video regarding contemporary printmaking in India.
To view more of her work, please visit
Anita Jung, Sky Net, indigo and acrylic on panel, 2024, 48" x 36"