Family Blog: Amy Hartje

Maria and Dr. Morcuende,
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your work with my grandson, Raylan Wauters. His physician knew about the club foot prior to delivery, yet many of the pieces his parents were told would be in place (consult with orthopedics right away) did not happen. They waited weeks and weeks to hear from someone, signals got crossed, and appointments were not made. As a young couple who live in another state, it was hard to help them navigate medical services from so far away. Knowing that UI was the place to be for club foot, MY preference was always that they be seen here. Finally, I spoke to my friend from work, who touched base with Maria and ended up giving us the number to call.
From the moment Raylan's mom called, she was met with the kindest people. She made the appointment and the rest is history. I'll never forget Maria saying, "We've been waiting for you!" as soon as she heard his name! What a feeling of relief and comfort for us all! As you know, I've been at many of his appointments and I have been so impressed with both of you! You've changed Raylan's life. You work with such precision, yet kind, loving care for the little ones. Excellent work does not always mean exceptional bedside manner, but in your case it absolutely does!
Dr. Morcuende, my heart just melted several visits ago when you walked in and Raylan was on the table, not very happy. You pulled up your stool, leaned forward and began talking to him. Then he perked up and grinned right back at you. You spent the next little while just visiting with him. It was so special. You've been so wonderful at answering any questions we've had, working with us and the multiple adults that have helped because Mom has had to be at work. You made us all feel comfortable and explained everything in friendly language, which has made a big difference in Mom's understanding of this process.

Maria, you are a teacher. Your matter of fact approach is much appreciated. You always look excited to see Raylan and willing to work with whichever adult comes in the door with our little guy that day.
We look forward to seeing both of you each time!
I'm sure people tell you all the time how much you've changed their lives. Your medical skills are amazing-seriously, it still boggles my mind the precision with which you work together to accomplish this goal! But your attitude and manner with Raylan and us as his family is what has warmed my heart the most. While he will not remember your faces, I certainly will. And I will make sure that he hears the stories about this process and what you both did for him. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this magnificent gift you've given us.
Enjoy these pictures, as we've tried to document some of this journey.
Amy Hartje