"Colt was born 2 weeks early at the University of Iowa, as I was showing signs of preeclampsia. We knew he had kidney and bladder issues and would have a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and possibly surgery when he was born.
Colt was born on October 19, 2018. He was two weeks early, only had one functioning kidney, and what they thought was a ureterocele in the bladder. He had a one-week stay in the NICU to watch his bladder/kidney and to get his sugars under control. A week later, once they ran all their tests, got his sugars under control, and got him eating well, we were discharged.
Colt then had a bladder procedure done November 1 to “pop” the ureterocele, but during the procedure they did not see a ureterocele. They found that it was potentially a cyst behind his bladder.
Colt’s right kidney is perfect and his bladder output is good. For now, we will just follow up with ultrasounds and nephrology and urology check-ups!
We received wonderful care from all of our doctors and nurses. There is nowhere else we would have wanted to deliver and have Colt cared for."