Surgeries fix heart defect

Brock Beinhart was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a birth defect in which the left side of the heart—the side that pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body—is severely underdeveloped. Left untreated, the condition typically is fatal within the first days of life. At 2 weeks old, Brock underwent the Norwood procedure, the first of three surgeries necessary to correct the defect. His second operation came at 6 months old, and the final surgery at age 4. Today at age 13, you wouldn't know that Brock ever had heart problems—he loves playing baseball, going fishing, and romping around the family farmstead near Riverside. For the Beinharts, UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital is “where miracles become reality,” says Brock’s mother, Amy.
More about Brock
In 2010, UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital chose Brock to be a Kid Captain, recognizing his remarkable story in front of a full football stadium of Hawkeye fans.
- Read the full story and over the years and his family's UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital experience.
What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome?

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a congenital heart condition that occurs during the development of the heart in the mother's womb. During the heart's development, parts of the left side of the heart (mitral valve, left ventricle aortic valve, and aorta) do not develop completely. In patients with this condition, the left side of the heart is unable to send enough blood to the body.