Frailty is the term we use to describe a person who may have trouble getting better if they get sick or have stress. Stress can be from sickness, what is going on around a person, or feelings. It is used to measure health in older adults.
It is our goal to check for and treat frailty early.
- Having more than 1 health problem
- Smoking
- Having depression
- Being underweight
- Walking speed
- Muscle strength
- Unplanned weight loss
- Physical activity (walking, swimming, yoga, biking)
- Tiredness
- Getting dressed
- Taking a bath or shower
- Going to the bathroom
- Walking
- Be admitted to the hospital
- Lose ability to do things for themselves and live alone
- Have a higher risk of death
- Physical activity
- Mental stimulation (anything that exercises the brain)
- Treating depression
- Eating healthy food that is high in protein
Walking and light weight training every day can help muscle mass, balance, and heart health. Healthy food that is high in protein helps build muscle.
Talking to people, reading, and playing games helps keep the brain sharp.
Recognizing depression early is also important in preventing and treating frailty.