Jennifer Miller named chief administrative officer for UI Health Care’s downtown campus

Jennifer Miller, MHA, MPH, RD, has been named the chief administrative officer of UI Health Care’s downtown campus, effective July 8.
Miller currently serves as the support services director and has held this position since March 2014. A search for her successor will begin immediately.

“Jennifer has been a trusted leader with UI Health Care for over a decade, and her strategic vision and personable leadership style will be a valuable asset for our downtown campus patients, providers, and colleagues," says Brad Haws, MBA, chief executive officer of UI Health Care’s clinical enterprise. “She has a keen ability to foster collaboration across departments and has shown a great commitment to patient care and innovation.”
In her current role, Miller is responsible for the day-to-day operations—including service, quality, safety, and fiscal performance—of Accreditation Services, Environmental Services, Safety and Security, Central Sterilization Services, Food and Nutrition Services, Supply Chain, Engineering Services, Materials Services, and the University Employee Health Clinic for the clinical enterprise of UI Health Care.
As chief administrative officer of the downtown campus, she will provide on-site leadership, which includes managing financial performance, clinical quality, and employee, physician, and community relations.
“It is a true honor to have the opportunity to serve the downtown campus as chief administrative officer. I have been so inspired by the employees’ and physicians’ commitment to patient care, and I look forward to furthering our mission of serving the community together,” Miller says.
During integration of the downtown campus earlier this year, Miller led the successful integration of the Supply Chain and Support Services operations. She helped manage contract agreements and facilitated continued procurement of medical and critical hospital supplies and services. Her current role was also expanded to include new direct reports and departments at the downtown campus.