Many UI alumni and friends give each year to the development funds supporting the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and the Hospital Dentistry Institute. These gifts of all sizes provide much needed support for activities relating to the academic mission of faculty, residents, and staff.
The following accounts have been established to support our efforts:
The Oral Surgery Development Fund
The Oral Surgery Development Fund was established in 1972 to further the goals of the Oral Surgery Department in general and to aid its recruitment program in particular. Funds are to be used at the direction of the Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for program support, including program promotion and recruitment, resident recognition, and staff development.
Donald B. Osbon Memorial Fund
The Donald B. Osbon Memorial Fund was established in 1987 to support a bi-annual lecture series in memory of Donald B. Osbon. The lecture series features speakers distinguished in a specific area of expertise.
Vezeau Oral Surgery Library Fund
The Vezeau Oral Surgery Library Fund was established in 1999 for purchase of textbooks for the resident library at the Hospital Dentistry Institute.
Robert D. Lundquist Memorial Fund
The Robert D. Lundquist Memorial Funds was established in 2000. Funds are to be used at the discretion of the Head of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department.
Merle L. Hale Faculty Endowment Fund
The Hale Faculty Endowment Fund was established in 2002 for the purpose of establishing an endowed faculty position within the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Such an endowment is viewed as an integral component in maintaining the strength and national prominence of our program in an age when general education funds from the State of Iowa are on the decline, and academic OMS is considered to be in a state of crisis. This endowment will live in perpetuity to provide support for future generations of academic oral surgeons in Iowa’s program.
Hospital Dentistry Institute Development Fund
The Hospital Dentistry Institute Development Fund was established in 1981 to further the goals of the Hospital Dentistry Institute in general and to aid its recruitment program in particular. Funds are to be used at the direction of the Head of the Hospital Dentistry Institute for program support, including program promotion and recruitment, resident recognition, and staff development.
How to Give
You may make a cash contribution to any of the accounts by sending your contribution to:
51365 PFP
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
[email protected]
You may make a planned gift to enable you to assist in our mission, while also reducing your burden of income, capital gains, or estate taxes. Gift planning is the process of carefully selecting the best methods and assets for making a gift, such as cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, life insurance, trusts, and bequests.
For more information about gift planning, please contact:
Katie GeikenDirector of Development
College of Dentistry
University of Iowa Center for Advancement
P.O. Box 4550
Iowa City, Iowa 52244-4550
1-319-467-3807 or 1-800-648-6973
[email protected]
Locations and Offices