Will Linder

Will underwent his first open-heart surgery when he was two, but now swims and runs track.
Ty Buffington

Born 15 weeks premature, twins Ty and Lindsay were fighters from the very beginning.
Taylor Durham

Taylor uses her cystic fibrosis to inform her classmates and raise money for research.
Shelby Rogers

She was a very sick baby and her parents were terrified, but Shelby was a little girl with a big heart.
Ryan DeMott

A campfire accident left Ryan DeMott of Harlan, Iowa, with severe third-degree burns covering 70 percent of his body.
Oliver Palmer

Oliver Palmer started having vision problems and on New Year’s Eve 2009, doctors at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital verified Oliver had a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a tumor responsible for five to 10 percent of brain tumors in school-age children.
Meg Michalski

After a boating accident, Meg had to undergo emergency neurosurgery, but has now recovered to be an honor student. Read more about Meg’s story.
Kali Buchanan

Kali Buchanan was just 3 years old when she was diagnosed with desmoid fibromatoma, a rare cancer that grew in her left jawbone.
Isaac Arguello

Isaac could hardly breathe as a baby, but now his father calls him Superman.
Indya Sorrell

A go-kart accident sent Indya to the hospital, but after some surgeries she was able to go home and get back to what she enjoys. Read more about Indya’s story.
Brynn Carnahan

When Brynn was nearly 18 months old, the Carnahans’ pediatrician referred the family to UI Stead Family Children's Hospital, where pediatric urology specialists ordered a series of tests to aid in Brynn’s diagnosis. They found that nerve damage from a tumor made it difficult for Brynn to completely empty her bladder, which led to the recurring infections.
Beckham Scadlock

Beckham Scadlock came through an eight-hour surgery with flying colors.