Jacie Stewart

Jacie uses her art to raise awareness for the disease that once had her wheelchair bound. Read more about Jacie’s story.
Cian Bonnett

Cian had a problem breathing just a few days after birth, but creative surgery by UI Children’s breathed life into him. Read more about Cian’s story.
Shawn-Brooklyn Young

When he was 8 months old, Shawn-Brooklyn contracted bacterial meningitis, an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. Three days after he was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit at his local hospital, his kidneys failed and he needed dialysis. Since UI Stead Family Children's Hospital is the only facility in Iowa that offers pediatric dialysis, he came to UI Stead Family Children's Hospital.
Brynn Bowman

A routine ultrasound at 20 weeks brought alarming news for Brynn’s parents.
Ellie Schmidt

Before birth, a routine ultrasound showed something was wrong with Ellie's heart. By age five, she had three major surgeries and nine catheterizations.
Emery Tillberg

Halfway through Sarah Tillberg’s pregnancy, it became clear something was seriously wrong.
Chaz Renken

Chaz’s parents once wondered if he would even survive, but the teen now thrives. Read more about Chaz’s story.
Ally Mauck

When Ally was adopted, her parents were surprised to find the 3-year-old had clubfeet, that is, until UI Stead Family Children's Hospital took care of them. Read more about Ally's story.
Adam Weckel

Ten years after having his left arm amputated, Adam is a spirited young man and a Kid Captain. Read more about Adam’s story.
Brandi Yates

Brandi’s life changed forever in October 2006; it started with a bloody nose that just wouldn’t stop. When her parents took her to the local hospital’s emergency room, her blood pressure was dangerously high and her kidneys had shut down. Air-lifted to UI Stead Family Children's Hospital, the only facility in Iowa that has a dedicated pediatric dialysis center, she began dialysis.
Skylar Jacobson

After spending so much time at UI Children’s that Skylar called it “home,” it pays off with her brain cancer cured. Read more about Skylar’s story.
Blake Derby

Blake’s willingness to endure a painful chest surgery allowed him to get back on the diamond and return to sports. Read more about Blake’s story.
Grant Stracke

Grant was suffering life-threatening post-operative complications and infection. UI Stead Family Children's Hospital is home to Iowa’s only pediatric program for continuous renal replacement therapy, a procedure that does the work of the kidneys for critically ill patients.