Jack Koehn

When prenatal tests showed that Julie’s unborn baby was hydrocephalic, the NICU team began to plan for Jack’s birth.
Chloe Dardis

At 5 months pregnant, Lori Hill learned that her baby had Turner syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality.
Kelby Telander

The Telanders believe they “have truly been blessed to be located next to one of the best hospitals in the nation for otolaryngology and cochlear implants, not to mention world renowned surgeons.”
Savannah Erck

According to her father, Dean, “Every neurosurgeon on the East Coast that I talked to said that if this was their daughter, they would want Arnold Menezes, MD to perform the surgery.”
Nikolas Ball

In March 2008, four-year-old Nikolas started running unexplained fevers, vomiting, and suffering leg pain so severe he had difficulty walking. By April, Nikolas was diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma, a form of childhood cancer that starts in the nervous system.
Reid Shadle

At just 13 days old, Reid underwent the first of six open-heart surgeries.
Trae Hamilton

Trae Hamilton’s kidney donor also happens to be his dad. See Trae's story here.
Kyle Kinnick Roseman

Kyle has a rare copper disorder and mitochondrial disease, a progressive genetic disorder that affects every cell, and therefore every organ, in his body. Because of numerous complications due to this disease, Kyle is seen by specialists in eight departments at UI Stead Family Children's Hospital.
Jacob Endress

What began as a family gathering in May 2009, with laughter and children playing, ended with an ambulance ride to the Burn Treatment Center at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital.
Clarissa Kraayenbrink

Clarissa was born with congenital heart defects, including transposition of the “great arteries”–the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Cal Kunnert

An ATV accident required Cal to be air-lifted to UI Stead Family Children's Hospital.
Nathaniel and Lucas Anderson

Nathaniel and Lucas Anderson share a love of sports, music, and family. These brothers also have a special bond because they were born with unrelated, serious disorders and both came through with flying colors