Youth Advisory Council
YAC members advise administrators and staff on pediatric health care issues as experienced through the eyes of a child. Since 1998, YAC at UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital has helped to make many policy and service changes to improve the hospital and clinic experience for patients and their family members.
Youth Advisory Council membership consists of current UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital pediatric patients or their siblings 14 to 18 years of age.
Mission Statement
The Youth Advisory Council for University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital works to fulfill the vision of enhancing the quality of the care experience for children and families. The purpose of the Youth Advisory Council is to ensure a friendly atmosphere by advising hospital employees and administration on issues regarding hospitalization and/or treatment in outpatient and inpatient units as experienced through the eyes of a child.
- Allows children who received or still receive care at UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital to provide insight and feedback on their experiences
- Prompt ideas for hospital improvement from a youth perspective
- Enhance health care for pediatric patients by advocating for patient- and family-centered care practices
- Provide administrators and medical staff with information to improve the hospital atmosphere and humanize treatment for its youngest patients
Locations and Offices