Donation Information: DeGowin Blood Center
The UI DeGowin Blood Center is in need of O positive and O negative whole blood donors. If you are eligible, consider scheduling an appointment at the blood center or donating at one of our blood drives outside of the hospital.
Types of Donation
Whole Blood Donation
During a whole blood donation, a donor donates one pint of whole blood. The entire whole blood donation process takes about 45 minutes. After the donation, the donated whole blood is separated by the blood bank into two transfusable components – red cells and plasma. This means that up to two patients can be helped with each whole blood donation.
Whole blood donation takes place at our community blood drives as well as in the Donor Center. The donation interval for a whole blood donation varies based on the age of the donor.
Automated or Platelet Donation
Through a procedure called apheresis, platelets, plasma and red cells can be collected from one donor during a single automated donation process. In this way a donor is able to help up to three patients. The best products to be collected from a donor are based on the donor’s blood type, pre-donation blood counts, and the products most needed by the patients in University of Iowa Health Care on a daily basis.
Platelet donation only takes place at the Donor Center in the hospital. The entire process takes between one and a half to two and a half hours. During this time, donors are welcome to read, watch television or work on a small electronic device. The donation interval varies for each blood product donated via an automated donation.
Learn more about receiving blood.
DeGowin Blood Center Forms
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