Testing your blood sugar can help you decide how to take care of your diabetes. If your blood sugar is too low or too high, you might change:
Diabetes medicine
Meal plan
Reasons to check blood sugar
Improve blood sugar control
Know how food, exercise, and medicine affect your blood sugars
Make changes to your medicines
Manage illness
When to check blood sugars
Testing is based on each person’s diabetes plan. You may be asked to test one time a day or many times a day. Below are the times of day you should test:
Before meals
Two hours after meals
Before bed
Other times you should test
Before exercise
Before you drive if you take insulin
If you feel you have a low blood sugar
After having a low blood sugar until it is back to the normal range
When to call your doctor
The following conditions should be discussed with your doctor.
Blood sugars over 250 (or your set range) for more than 24 hours
Low blood sugars four or more times per week
A blood sugar so low someone else had to help you treat
A low blood sugar that caused you to not feel well
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