After your clinic visit, you may need to be seen in the Presurgical Evaluation Clinic (PEC), PEC. The PEC is located near Elevator F, on Level 1 at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and at Iowa River Landing, 4th floor.
Appointment options in the PEC are:
No appointment is needed for a nurse to review your records, but not contact you.
Phone call:
A nurse will call you by phone. This call will last about 30 minutes.
Appointment at UI Hospitals & Clinics in the PEC:
The nurses in the Colorectal Surgery Clinic will make this appointment for you. Your appointment will last about one hour.
At your PEC visit, you may:
Meet with a nurse practitioner or doctor, who will review your medical history and do a brief physical exam
Talk about which medicines to:
Stop taking before your surgery
Not take the day of surgery
Take the day of surgery
Evaluate your fitness for surgery, including heart problems, kidney problems, diabetes, bleeding issues, lung problems
Talk about the type of anesthesia you will need for surgery
Talk about the comfort measures after your surgery
Be screened for snoring and sleep problems like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). If at risk, you may do a sleep study before surgery.
You may need to stop some of your regular medications before surgery. The APEC staff will tell you if you need to stop taking them.
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