Brenda has been on the vicious dieting and weight loss cycle since she was fourteen years old. She tried everything but could never keep the weight off. Her weight was even beginning to affect her sleeping habits and other aspects of her health making every day a struggle.
She was ready to give up and accept the fact that she was always going to be stuck in the debilitating cycle, until she decided enough was enough. Brenda finally picked up the phone and made an appointment with a University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics physician to discuss gastirc bypass surgery.
Now she is living a happy and fulfilling life keeping up with her three children. She no longer has to take any sleep medications and has even cut down her use of other prescription medications she was on.
If you're on the fence about gastric bypass surgery Brenda wants you to hop off that fence, pick up your phone, and make an appointment to discuss your options. It changed her life and could possibly change yours.