Elizabeth's journey to a healthy pregnancy and baby

Although she was not prepared for the sadness and desperation of infertility, Elizabeth VanCamp, of Davenport, Iowa, found the relief she needed in the personalized treatment plan and compassionate care provided by reproductive endocrinologist Jessica Kresowik, MD, at the University of Iowa Health Care Women’s Health Clinic in Davenport. Here's Elizabeth's story:
My husband and I had struggled to get pregnant for about a year and a half when we were referred to Dr. Kresowik for fertility tests and treatment. Knowing that my husband and I were worried about what outcome we might have, Dr. Kresowik was so kind and caring, and she explained everything in a way that was easy to understand and process.
Dr. Kresowik found that I had a uterine septum—essentially a misshapen uterus—which, in combination with rarely ovulating, was the culprit for why we hadn’t been able to get pregnant. We talked about my options, and we decided to do surgery to correct the shape of my uterus and start me on fertility medications to nudge my body into cooperating.
Months before this, my cousin and I confided in each other that we were both struggling to get pregnant. We served as each other’s sounding boards and support system at a time when it felt hard to connect with others. People talk more about their experiences with infertility nowadays, but nothing can prepare you for how sad, desperate, and lonely it can feel.
Not everyone has someone going through the infertility journey alongside them, so I count myself very lucky. And we were both lucky to get pregnant within one month of each other. When I told her that I was pregnant, she told me she was too. The joy I felt was indescribable, and that joy was all thanks to Dr. Kresowik.
A healthy pregnancy and baby were the ultimate goals, but in the midst of infertility, having an answer for why I couldn't get pregnant and a plan of action for treatment were huge reliefs to me, and I’m so grateful it was Dr. Kresowik who helped me through that time.
In addition to being so kind, she made me feel heard and like she really cared about how I was handling the whole experience. And she was almost as excited as we were when we found out I was pregnant!
Two weeks after my daughter was born, my friend Heidi’s son was born, and five weeks after that, my cousin's daughter was born. It was wonderful to share the experience of new parenthood with two people I cared about. Then I found out that all three of us had gotten pregnant with the help of Dr. Kresowik and her team.
This instantly created a bond between us because we all experienced the pain and joy infertility brings. Knowing the same wonderful doctor made all three of our lives fuller was just the cheery on top.
Thank you, Dr. Kresowik!