Style Guide - Body Content
Body content components
Body content components are components that aid in informational storytelling. They rarely include links or navigation, and make up the majority of a page's core content.
The standard WYSIWYG content component. Allows for the addition of basic formatted text.
Subheading is available
- As is basic
- list
- formatting
And in-copy links to other content sections.
Those links can also be styled to look like buttons
Accordions are a great way to break pages up and make them more browsable, especially for mobile users.
The accordion creates a collapsed content WIZYWIG underneath the accordion heading.
All of the formatting that is available in the standard WIZYWIG is available within the accordion.
Accordions are often used for long Q/A of FAQ style pages that need to be browsed quickly.
Consider using this kind of formatting when a page has a large number of question/answers, or somewhat disconnected content pieces that need to be presented together.
A Fact
Facts are supplemental content elements, usually positioned alongside body content.
They have a primary number or short statement, followed by a longer supplemental statement.
The fact can include an icon from our icon library, as well as a link to a landing page.
Icon List
Is a great way to add visual appeal to a fairly standard list of text items. The list items look best when there is a title statement and supplementing sentence or two.
Either the title of the link item, or within the blurb.
Links and other basic formatting of text is possible.
Media Embed

A testimonial can be one, or many, quotes. The quotes can include an image, or a link, if needed.
The testimonial includes a visual " mark, so is best used for an actual quote with attribution.