If your UI Health Care provider has ordered vaginal Valium for you, read these instructions for information on how to use the tablet.
Vaginal Valium is an off-label use of this pill. That means this is not the usual way it is used. We have many patients who have helped their symptoms with this medication. Few have felt some drowsiness.
Do not go to sleep right after you take your first dose. Stay awake and be aware of any effects from the medicine. Let us know right away if you have side effects that change your quality of life. Changes can be made, or new therapies can be tried.
How to use the tablet vaginally
- Insert the tablet into the vagina with your finger. Place it as far as you can reach. You may use a small amount of lubricant, olive oil, or canola oil to make this easier.
- You can wet the pill with water to make it softer. Do this if the whole pill is not absorbed or if your symptoms do not get better. The pill will be like a paste and can be rubbed inside the vagina.
- The color coating on the pill may look like vaginal discharge. It is not an infection. The pill may come out in small pieces or clumps. This is normal.
- Use the tablet as often as it is prescribed.
- We do not know the effect of vaginal Valium on a partner during sex. We have not had any problems reported by our patients, but your partner should be told.
- If the pill is not working for you, let us know. We may order a cream with the Valium for you. This is not often paid for by insurance. The cost is around $40 to $50.
If you have any questions about using vaginal Valium prescribed by your UI Health Care provider, call the urology clinic at 1-319-356-2421.