Male Sexual Dysfunction Care
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Sexual dysfunction can make you unsure of your ability to have satisfactory sexual experiences. This can leave you feeling depressed, frustrated, and even ashamed, and that can lead to tension between you and your partner.
You’re not alone. Sexual dysfunctions are common, and they affect men of all ages. These dysfunctions may include difficulty maintaining an erection, problems with ejaculation, a lack of interest in sex, or pain during intercourse.
Many of these symptoms can be treated. The fellowship-trained urologists at UI Health Care are experts in uncovering the causes of sexual dysfunction and creating a personalized care plan for you.
They also understand that some men are not comfortable discussing sexual dysfunction. You’ll receive compassionate, respectful care from our team. They will listen to your concerns and work with you to restore your sexual function.
Comprehensive testing for sexual dysfunction
We offer the latest and most advanced diagnostic tests so that we can make a more accurate diagnosis and find the right treatment for you. Our goal is to get you functional and back to your life as soon as possible.
Helping couples overcome sexual dysfunction
We encourage you to bring your partner to your appointments. Whenever possible, we use a couples-based approach, which helps our specialists better design a treatment plan that is effective, feasible, and can give you the best results. This is especially important if you want to conceive but have a condition that affects your fertility.
Symptoms of sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction can affect you in a variety of ways, including:
- Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection
- Delayed ejaculation or no ejaculation during sexual stimulation
- Premature ejaculation
- Lack of sexual desire
- Difficulties achieving or maintaining arousal
- Painful intercourse
Causes of sexual dysfunction
Many physical, psychological, and medical conditions can influence sexual function, including:
- Heart and vascular diseases such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia
- Hormone imbalances
- Urological infection or disease
- Alcohol or substance use disorders
- Chronic disease such as organ failure
- Neurological disorders
- Penile injury or trauma
- History of pelvic or colorectal surgeries
- Medications such as antidepressants, hormones, and blood pressure medications
- Feelings of guilt or shame
- Relationship problems or concerns
- Body image issues
- Past sexual trauma
How sexual dysfunction is diagnosed
If you notice any symptoms of sexual dysfunction, your provider can help determine the underlying cause.
Your provider will start with a physical examination and a review of your medical history and symptoms. You may undergo blood tests, ultrasounds, or other tests to examine the rigidity, blood flow, or structure of your penis to help determine the cause of your symptoms.
Sexual dysfunction treatments
- Oral medications
- Urethral suppository
- Penile injections
- Penile implants
- Testosterone supplementation (topical and injections)
- Intralesional Peyronie's injections (such as Xiaflex®)
- Surgery for Peyronie's disease
- Penile prosthesis surgery
Sexual dysfunction conditions treated
- Erectile dysfunction
- Peyronie’s disease
- Low testosterone
- Premature ejaculation
- Painful intercourse
- Priapism (an erection lasting for more than four hours without stimulation)
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