Burn Treatment Center Community Programs
Miracle Burn Camp
Miracle Burn Camp is a camp for children ages 8-18 who have experienced a burn or any other traumatic injury that ended up requiring skin grafting. This weeklong camp is designed to provide a fun summer camp experience in a non-threatening environment for children with burns.
Safe Start Burn Prevention
University of Iowa Health Care offers a free program for third-graders. This puppet-filled program is designed to teach children how to prevent burns.
Young Adult Burn Survivor Retreat
This is a weekend retreat designed to help transition burn survivors from the Miracle Burn Camp into their adult lives. Late adolescence is an already tough time, but this retreat is designed to help ease the transition for those who have suffered significant traumatic injuries.
Locations and Offices
8322 John W. Colloton Pavilion (JCP)
Level 8, Elevator F

200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA 52242