Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition

Second Place Winner in the Nursing Research category
The biggest barrier to effective evidence-based practice (EBP) is the failure to translate available knowledge, research, and clinical expertise into action. This failure is rarely due to lack of information, understanding, or experience. In fact, it usually comes down to a simple lack of tools and absence of a clear plan to integrate EBP into care. Problem solved!
Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition, is a time-tested, application-oriented resource for any EBP process model, and is organized based on The Iowa Model Revised: Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Excellence in Health Care©. This book offers a proven, detailed plan to help nurses and healthcare professionals promote and achieve EBP implementation, adoption, and sustained use.
Throughout this practical, easy-to-use manual, the authors supply strategies, tools, and tips that show healthcare professionals how to apply and sustain EBP in their setting. Inside are valuable recommendations on topic selection, literature searches, research and evidence review, implementation, and evaluation. New material in this second edition includes:
- PURPOSE and SEARCH for stating the EBP purpose and guiding search term identification
- EBP Evaluation Framework (KABOB) developed to capture actionable local data related to knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, outcomes, and balancing measures
- Iowa Implementation for Sustainability Framework© with 75 implementation strategy specifications
- Precision Implementation Approach® to drive decisions for selecting the most effective and efficient implementation strategies
- Specific patient engagement tips and examples for every step of the EBP process and every implementation strategy
- Ways to de-implement practices that are not evidence-based, are ineffective, or are even harmful
This companion to Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition, contains resources to facilitate adoption of EBP practices. While created to work seamlessly with the Iowa Model Revised, these resources are applicable to any EBP model.
Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition contains 52 practical tools, for steps in the EBP process. These tools are available to review and/or reproduce within your organization on a password protected internal website, not for placing on the internet.
Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Tucker, S., & Edmonds, S. (2023). Evidence-based practice in action: Comprehensive strategies, tools, and tips from University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (2nd ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.
Evidence-Based Practice in Action, First Edition
Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., DeBerg, J., Tucker, S., & Kleiber, C. (2018). Evidence-based practice in action: Comprehensive strategies, tools, and tips from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau International.
First Edition Figure 11.2 Evidence-Based Implementation Strategies for Sustainability (corrected)
Evidence-Based Practice Building Blocks: Comprehensive Strategies, Tools, and Tips© - Retired 2017
Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Tucker, S., Rempel, G., & Jordan, K. (2012). Evidence-based practice building blocks: Comprehensive strategies, tools, and tips. Office of Nursing Research and Evidence- Based Practice, Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care, University of Iowa Health Care.
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