What is an eConsult?
An eConsult is a way for your primary care provider to ask a UI Health Care specialist for help with your care. An eConsult is a question about your care that your provider sends to a specialist. You and your provider then use the specialist’s eConsult answer to choose the best care for you.
An eConsult is a way for you and your provider to take advantage of the advanced expertise of a specialist while keeping your care with your primary care provider.
How do I benefit from an eConsult?
With an eConsult, you get care from a specialist without having to schedule a separate appointment. That saves you time, even while you’re getting the best care possible.
Wouldn’t it be better for me to see a specialist in person?
Your health is very important to your primary care provider. An eConsult will only be used when your provider is confident that a specialist can make helpful recommendations about your care without seeing you in person.
In some cases, the specialist may decide that an in-person appointment is necessary and will make that recommendation in the eConsult answer to your provider. But most of the time, the specialist will be able to give your provider helpful answers without seeing you in person.
Who pays for an eConsult?
As with any service you receive as part of your health care—like an X-ray or a blood test—you pay part of the cost of an eConsult. The coinsurance charge for an eConsult is often lower than it would be for an office visit with that specialist.
If the specialist decides that a referral is necessary, you are not charged the eConsult, but you will be charged for the appointment with that specialist.
If the specialist declines the eConsult or doesn’t provide an answer, you won’t be charged.
How do I learn more about eConsult?
Your primary care provider can answer your questions about eConsult.