Music Therapy in Supportive and Palliative Care
Music therapy is often used to address the needs of patients and families in palliative care services. Music therapy services are provided by a board-certified music therapist.
This type of therapy may be beneficial for patients experiencing:
- Difficulty coping with anxiety, grief, or pain.
- Isolation, withdrawal from others, or depression.
- Minimal presence of a support system.
- An interest in life review or reflection.
- A family who is grieving or having difficulty through the grief process.
- An interest in expressing one’s self through music.
If you would like to make a referral for music therapy services or would like further information about this service, please contact Palliative Care services, call Music Therapy at 1-319-353-8568, or visit the Music Therapy page.
Locations and Offices
1701B John Pappajohn Pavilion (JPP)
Level 1, Elevator J
Resource Office

200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA 52242