Frequently Asked Questions: University Employee Health Clinic

Answers to some commonly asked questions about our University Employee Health Clinic (UEHC).
UEHC hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
For after-hours care (nights, weekends, holidays) the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Emergency Department is available.
University Employee Health Clinic provides health screening services to new university employees and volunteers. The clinic works with departments to identify work-related hazards, monitor occupational safety and health, and assist in the prevention of work-related communicable diseases.
Services may include:
- Audiometry
- Spirometry
- Vision testing
- Tuberculosis screening
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Evaluation and treatment following exposure to:
- Chemical hazards
- Infectious agents
- Blood-borne pathogens
For work injuries/accidents (other than exposures to blood or body fluids), employees must receive medical care from UI Occupational Health. Please call to schedule an appointment prior to arriving at the clinic. Employees out of the Iowa City area should use one of these approved facilities.
Complete an electronic First Report of Injury. This is located on the Employee Self-Service website under HR Applications. It needs to be completed by you within 24 hours of the incident occurring.
If you are injured at work and need emergency treatment:
Employees in the Iowa City area should use the UI Hospitals & Clinics emergency room for emergencies or treatment during non-clinic hours. In situations where a serious injury occurs and emergency treatment is needed, care should be obtained at the nearest medical facility. If a participating facility is not readily available, emergency medical care may be received from any provider.
- Notify your supervisor so you can be seen as soon as possible by a care team. If the source of the blood or body fluid is known, it is important to bring source name and medical record number with you.
- If you are unable to leave your work area immediately or are outside the Iowa City area, please call Employee Health Clinic at 1-319-356-3631 and talk with a nurse to begin the evaluation process.
- Call STICK (1-319-467-8425) for exposure evaluation.
- If post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatment is needed, it should be started within two hours after the exposure.
- If the source patient is known, have the source patient’s name and hospital number when calling for evaluation. Do not let the source patient leave until you speak to someone on the STICK line.
- Business hours – calls are directed to the University Employee Health Clinic (UEHC).
- After hours – calls are directed to the Integrated Call Center (ICC).
University Employee Health Clinic does not provide services for non-work related injuries or personal health needs. We recommend you choose a UI Health Care primary care option.
Information is not shared between the two medical records. ReadySet is used for University Employee Health and Epic is used for UI Hospitals & Clinics. Your personal health care records and employee health records are required by law to remain separate. Immunizations received at Employee Health Clinic are recorded in the Iowa Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS).
Log onto ReadySet. View “Test Results” and either select a specific result or “Vaccinations and Certification Only” for a list of all immunization and titer records.
UI Wellness, a unit of the University Human Resources Department, provides services for faculty and staff employed at 50% time or greater through the liveWELL program.
- Check with your parents or other caregivers to see if they have records of your childhood immunizations.
- Check with your high school or college health services for dates of any immunizations. Keep in mind that often records are kept only for 1 to 2 years after students leave the system.
- Check with previous employers (as well as the military) that may have required immunizations.
- Check with your doctor or public health clinic. Please note that if you get your health care at UI Hospitals & Clinics, UEHC does not have access to your personal medical records.
- Check a local immunization registry. All states and some cities have centralized registries of vaccines given by local providers. A registry may not have all ages or all records, but this still can be a great place to check. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a listing of registry contacts and websites.
What you need to know about medical care
Please see your primary care provider for evaluation. University Employee Health Clinic does not provide services for non-work related injuries or personal health needs. We recommend you consult with one of these UI Health Care primary care services.
For work injuries/accidents, employees must receive medical care from UI Occupational Health.
Please call to schedule an appointment prior to arriving at the clinic:
UI Occupational Health
2591 Holiday Road
Coralville, IA 52241
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 1-319-356-3335
Employees out of the Iowa City area should use one of these approved facilities.
If you are injured at work and need emergency treatment:
- Employees in the Iowa City area should use the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Emergency Room for emergencies and/or treatment during non-clinic hours.
- In situations where a serious injury occurs and emergency treatment is needed, care should be obtained at the nearest medical facility. If a participating facility is not readily available, emergency medical care may be received from any provider.
- Complete an electronic First Report of Injury. This is located on the Employee Self-Service web site under HR Applications. It needs to be completed by you within 24 hours from time of incident.
Helpful Links
With any injury or exposure, follow these procedures:
- Clean the wound
- Update tetanus as indicated
- Report the exposure to supervisor and University Employee Health Clinic. If after hours, report to the Emergency Department.
- Fill out Workers Compensation – First Report of Injury Form – Available on Employee Self Service
Locations and Offices