Pre-employment tuberculosis screening is required for all new employees at University of Iowa (UI) Health Care, which includes the Medical Centers and UI Carver College of Medicine. This screening is required prior to direct patient care activities.
Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) is used for TB screening. Employees must return to UEHC 48 to 72 hours after TST applications applied to have the results read by UEHC staff. No one is allowed to read their own TST, including physicians. Because of this, pre-employment TSTs are not applied on Thursdays. If you have documentation of a positive TST in the past, UEHC staff request a copy of a chest x-ray report that was done following the positive reading. UEHC staff will perform alternate screening for TB which can be done Monday-Friday.
Pregnancy or lactation is not a contraindication to TB screening. Deferrals may be granted for special cases with presentation of a letter from the staff member’s physician.
Respirator fit testing is provided in UEHC to UI Health Care employees whose job functions or assignments may necessitate use of a respirator. Respirator fit testing does require an appointment, and can be done at the same time as the TB screening.
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