To apply for state and federal programs that provide financial assistance, you and your family must start with your local State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services or the Social Security Administration. Here are some of the programs for which you may be eligible:
Social Security Disability (SSDI)
A program that can provide you with monthly cash benefits if you are considered disabled for 12 months or longer and have earned enough work credits by paying into FICA. Your monthly payment is based on your age, years of employment, and salary. If you remain on SSDI for 24 months, you will qualify for Medicare beginning the 25th month. You apply for SSDI through the Social Security Administration by calling 1-800-772-1213 or online on the Social Security Administration website.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Guarantees a minimum monthly income if you are over 65, blind, or disabled for 12 months or longer and determined to have limited income and resources. Iowa provides Medicaid coverage when you qualify for SSI, but you must apply for Medicaid separately. You apply for SSI by calling the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 or online on the Social Security Administration website.
The Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Designed to assist low-income families meet the cost of home heating. Applications are accepted on a first come/first served basis at your local community action agency from November 1 through April 30 (October 1 for households with elderly/disabled member), Monday through Friday, or as posted at the local office.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Provides nutrition information, healthy foods and referrals for other services. Iowa residents who are pregnant or who have a child under 5, who show nutritional need and meet income requirements can be served by WIC. You can apply for WIC at the hospital, receive a screening and receive coupons to obtain baby formula and/or checks for healthy foods. Contact University of Iowa Health Care WIC office at 1-319-356-7416 or the Iowa WIC office at 1-800-532-1579.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families. In Iowa, the Food Assistance program is administered through the State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. You must meet eligibility guidelines, be a citizen or legal immigrant, and any child who was born in the US can apply even if their parents are not U.S. citizens. Contact your local DHS office to apply or apply online on the Iowa Department of Human Resources website.
Family Investment Program (FIP)
Provides cash payments and Medicaid health care coverage to families with dependent children and limited income and resources. The amount of your monthly cash payment is determined by the number of members in your family and your current income and resources. You can apply for FIP through your local State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.
Iowa Home and Community-based Service Waiver Program
The program helps people acquire additional health care while they remain at home. Medicaid covers basic health care services plus services to promote self-care and/or family care. A child, adult, or elderly person may be eligible if he or she meets the program guidelines. Waivers are available for ill and handicapped, AIDS/HIV, intellectual disabilities, elderly, and brain injury. Application information for this program is available through the State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.
General Assistance (GA)
Provides short-term financial help to county residents in extreme financial crisis. Each county has its own General Assistance office. Please contact your county offices to locate the program in your county.
To learn more about specific financial assistance options available at UI Health Care visit the Financial Assistance page.
Locations and Offices