Need financial help? We have services and a process
University of Iowa Health Care has a long history of providing care to patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Our primary value is “the needs of the patient come first.” UI Health Care provides services to meet the needs of people who are unable to pay for care. These services include:
- Helping people find sources to fund their care, including opportunities to work with outside agencies
- Using fair and consistent collection practices that are in the best interest of all parties involved
- Providing individualized payment plans
- Providing emergency care to stabilize you, regardless of your ability to pay.
UI Health Care has developed a process for directing people to alternative sources of funding for their medical care. UI Health Care determines your need for charity care based on financial information and the medical services needed.
Not sure if you qualify for assistance? Here's what to do
There are income-based guidelines that will impact whether an individual is eligible for financial assistance. Those guidelines are listed in full below.
If you do qualify, you will need to fill out a financial assistance form. Those forms can be found here:
Annual Income Guidelines for Financial Assistance Eligibility Determination
- You must be a documented resident of Iowa.
- Your income is at or below 350% of the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines.
- You must provide proof of income (income includes gross wages, rental income, gross income from self-employment, public assistance, social security, unemployment compensation, strike benefits, alimony, child support, military family allotments, pensions, veteran's benefits, etc.) Sources of income apply to all applicable family members.
- Family members include patient's spouse and patient's child under the age of eighteen living at home.
- You must comply with the Medicaid eligibility process with the UI Health Care social workers or designated on-site representative.
For more information, please see the Applying for Medicaid Handout.
Effective Jan. 16, 2025.
Income Level
Family Size | Poverty Guidelines | 200% | 250% | 300% | 350% |
1 | $15,650 | $31,300 | $39,125 | $46,950 | $54,775 |
2 | $21,150 | $42,300 | $52,875 | $63,450 | $74,025 |
3 | $26,650 | $53,300 | $66,625 | $79,950 | $93,275 |
4 | $32,150 | $64,300 | $80,375 | $96,450 | $112,525 |
5 | $37,650 | $75,300 | $94,125 | $112,950 | $131,775 |
6 | $43,150 | $86,300 | $107,875 | $129,450 | $151,025 |
7 | $48,650 | $97,300 | $121,625 | $145,950 | $170,275 |
8 | $54,150 | $108,300 | $135,375 | $162,450 | $189,525 |
* | $5,500 | $11,000 | $13,750 | $16,500 | $19,250 |
(*) For family units over eight (8), add the amount shown for each additional member.
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Poverty Guidelines
To learn more about general financial resources available visit the General Financial Assistance Resources page.