Dylan Mortimer explores his personal relationship to cystic fibrosis through his vibrant artwork—both terrifying and triumphant.
About Dylan Mortimer
“I definitely have that spirit and that attitude that I’m going to live life to the fullest with every breath I have and that’s the choice that I choose to make.”
Ordinary craft glitter layered over a variety of media intensifies images of lungs, bronchial branches, cells, strands of DNA, and scars. Religious imagery and pop culture touchstones like Air Jordan shoes, too, fill his multimedia works. Through his colorful art, Mortimer prompts discussion, raises awareness, and explores his experience with cystic fibrosis.Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at only three months old, artist Dylan Mortimer transforms the strain of a debilitating disease into depictions of hope and beauty. Light-heartedness shimmers over serious topics like difficult breathing, lung failure, and organ transplant surgery. The deterioration of his health in 2014 led to Mortimer incorporating this lifelong struggle into his previously religious art.